Norway's Milan exhibition goes digital

Kiki Plesner-Löfroth / Plesner Patterns is one of the 10 designers who have been selected to participate in this year's Norwegian Presence.

“This spring, the Norwegian joint exhibition Norwegian Presence was to be staged during the Design Week in Milan for the sixth year. But in 2020 the design week is cancelled because of the the coronavirus. Fortunately, we have modern technology, and social media that allows us to showcase the best of Norway's creative design talents and successful furniture and interior manufacturers.”

Read Doga's article here

Monika Haanes Waagan

Eg hjelper deg å skape den nye nettsida di, slik at du kan realisere forretningsideen din, kome i gang med å skaffe kundar og tene pengar til bedrifta di. Eg kan anten bygge nettsida for deg eller lære deg korleis du bygger di eiga draumenettside i Squarespace.

Marble table cloth in Elle Norway


Part of curated interiors in Bonytt